Dental Implants & Dental Tourism

Dental Implants & Dental Tourism

Despite the great improvements in dental care, tooth decay, gum disease (gingivitis) and traumatic injuries are the most common causes of tooth loss worldwide. In contrast to the past, when only bridges and dentures were available to replace completely missing teeth, current dentistry tourism offers a revolutionary solution in the form of dental implants.

Dental crowns or bridges can only replace the visible part of the tooth; however dental implants can stand in for lost tooth roots. They provide strong foundations for all fixed and removable tooth replacements, such as crowns, bridges and dentures. Even though they have to be custom-made, affordable dental implants abound in the market; with a bit of research and patience, it is not hard to find the best dental implants prices.

Some advantages of dental implants include:

  • Improved appearance, comfort and self-esteem
  • Improved articulation
  • Easier eating
  • Improved oral health
  • Durability

The success rate of dental implants placement is around 98%, which means that with proper care they can last really long. Inserted into the jaw in three steps and constructed of titanium, implants provide durability and structural support even for whole dentures. Materials are biocompatible and integrate with the surrounding bone.

Who Is Dental Implant Recommended to?

If you are interested in having dental implants and are willing to cover the dental implant cost fully, you should know that to be eligible for the procedure being in good health condition is a priority. Healthy gums and sufficiently strong bones are required to hold the implant. If you smoke, suffer from diabetes, heart diseases or you have had radiation therapy in the neck/head area, you may not be recommended to have dental implants by your doctors.

Furthermore, being committed to oral health and regular dental visits are essential for a successful and long-lasting dental implants procedure.

Dental Implants Cost

Dental implant prices depend on many factors. If you are considering a single implant, remember that once the tooth is extracted, there is no going back. Before that happens, if you think there is still a chance to save the original tooth, consider the opinion of an endodontics specialist, who can carry out minor dental surgery. The cost for root canal treatment can range between $1,500 and $2,500.

Of course, cheap dental implants can be found anywhere and they are greatly promoted by medical tourism. Countries like Colombia and India offer the best and most affordable dental implants worldwide. Dental implants price can go up to $2.500, including the implants, the surgery, and the crown, with a lifetime warranty. Unfortunately, in the U.S. not even cheap dental implants are covered by dental insurance.