Inlays and Onlays: Advanced Dental Restorations

Inlays and Onlays: Advanced Dental Restorations

The use of inlays and onlays is a common option for major cases of tooth injury and tooth decay, and we’d like to go over the basics of these restorations right now.

What are inlays and onlays?

Inlays and onlays are dental restorations that are used to rebuild tooth structure that has been seriously damaged or compromised in some fashion. They are able to replace large sections of tooth structure, including the biting surfaces (cusps) of the teeth.

With these dental restorations in place, patients will be able to bite, chew, and smile with confidence again.

Who is an ideal candidate for inlays and onlays?

Inlays and onlays are a good option for patients who have experienced major tooth damage or decay that is too substantial for a filling to address but not severe enough to warrant the use of a dental crown. Patients should have realistic expectations about the nature of the procedure and what it can achieve, and be willing to properly care for their inlays and onlays once they are in place.

The Benefits of Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are extremely strong, allowing patients to bite and chew as they normally would without any worries of breaking and chipping. In a number of cases, the inlays and onlays can be crafted out of tooth-colored composite materials rather than metals. These tooth-colored materials blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth, allowing you to have a smile that looks totally natural.

Will I get metal or tooth-colored restorations?

This will usually depend on the tooth that needs to be treated and the discretion of your dentist. In general, metal inlays and onlays are more common for the teeth in the back of the mouth that are less prominent, such as the molars and pre-molars. Tooth-colored inlays and onlays are more common for the front teeth and canines, which are more visible.

During your consultation, you will receive more information on the kinds of dental restorations you will receive and why they may be most ideal for you.

The Inlay and Onlay Procedure

The procedure to place inlays and onlays is similar in some ways to the procedure for placing dental fillings. Your dentist will first prep the tooth by removing the damaged or decayed tooth structure. An impression is then taken of the prepped tooth, and it is from this impression that the restoration will be crafted. Before the completed restoration is placed, the fit is checked and double-checked to ensure optimal results.

Enhanced Restorative Dental Care

We offer other dental restorations and treatment options to patients who may benefit from more substantial kinds of restorations. During your consultation with our team, we will be more than happy to go over these matters with you in greater detail so you can make the wisest choices regarding your dental wellness.