Financing for Veneers

Financing for Veneers

Dental veneers are custom made thin shells of ceramic material that are applied to the front of one’s teeth. These veneers are used to improve the appearance of teeth and to protect them. They can correct problems such as tooth cracks and chips, worn tooth enamel, uneven smiles (tooth alignment), spacing and staining. Veneers are often referred to as instant orthodontics.

If you want to have porcelain veneers, it can cost you anything between $700 and $2000 for each tooth. Some patients get only one or two teeth treated so that the gaps and cracks are filled up, but others get a complete set of veneers and get a total change of shape and appearance of all the front teeth.

The question of how to finance veneers is undoubtedly one of the most important considerations when choosing to add some polish to your smile. Dental veneers are one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures, as they can add a much-needed facelift to your teeth. There are different types of veneers, but in essence, they each consist of tooth-colored materials that are applied to the surface of the teeth and vastly improve aesthetics. In some cases, veneers may also protect exposed tooth surfaces or correct problems related to gaps and worn down enamel. Unfortunately, insurance rarely covers the cost of dental veneers, since they are primarily cosmetic and not essential to oral health. However, if you and your dentist have determined that you are a good candidate for veneers, there are several alternatives for financing dental work.

Average Cost of Veneers by City

City Porcelain Veneer Average Cost
veneers Chicago cost $9875
veneers Las Vegas cost $6800
veneers Miami cost $3175
veneers San Diego cost $2475
veneers Orlando cost
veneers Seattle cost $8,325
veneers San Antonio cost $6,525
veneers Denver cost $6,525
veneers Houston cost $5,325
veneers Austin cost $13,000

Veneer Payment Plans

Many dentists, whether or not they practice solely in cosmetics, offer competitive financing plans. Many of these plans are very affordable on a monthly basis, particularly if you are a long-time patient or have good credit. If not, your dentist can still offer a good rate if you are able to place a down payment. Even if you do not meet any of those requirements, most dental offices will work with you to develop an affordable payment plan.

When faced with choosing how to finance veneers, many people decide to pay with their credit card. If you own several cards, select one with the lowest interest rate. Another interesting alternative is to sign up for a brand new credit card. Many companies offer new cardholders 6 months to a year of no interest, making them affordable options for financing your veneers. Whether you charge your veneers to an existing card or a new one, be certain that you can pay the balance within the specified time frame. If not, your procedure will end up costing much more than you planned on.

Veneer Before & After Photos

Dental Financing

Care Credit is a healthcare financing company that offers solutions on how to finance veneers. Many dentists can help you apply for Care Credit financing. Provided you have a decent credit score, you can secure a low-interest rate and a fair repayment schedule.

Medical Tourism

If you aren’t familiar with the concept of “medical tourism,” it can be a great solution to the question of how to finance veneers. A growing number of people are choosing to leave the country for all types of medical procedures, including dentistry. The advantage of this is that fees are often much lower in foreign countries, in addition to the fact that there are more dentists licensed by American organizations working abroad than ever before. However, it is essential that your foreign dentist has the requisite qualifications. Be diligent in your research and do not be afraid to ask questions.

Less expensive veneers

Porcelain veneers pricing is done through the treatment for each tooth. The cosmetic dentist makes out a plan for the procedure to be followed, and the prices which are quoted by him are on a ‘per unit’ basis, which means on a ‘per tooth’ basis. There are two perspectives for determining fees for cosmetic dentistry: the dentist’s perspective and the patient’s perspective.

As a final consideration, ask your dentist about composite veneers. Porcelain veneers are by far the most expensive option, but composites can be relatively affordable and, while not as durable or stain-resistant as porcelain, are still an excellent choice. Many people have determined how to finance dental veneers by simply opting for the more affordable composite variety. With each of these options at your disposal, getting a new set of dental veneers do not have to be a bank-busting investment.

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