Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, also called gum disease, can range from simple gum inflammation to severe disease, potentially resulting in serious damage to the soft tissue and bone that supports the teeth, or even tooth loss. Your dentist will determine the degree of periodontal disease by examining your teeth thoroughly. X-rays will be taken to find out how abnormal the gum tissue attachment to your teeth is and if any bone changes are evident.

Periodontal Plastic Surgery

Periodontal plastic surgery is a surgical procedure used in severe cases of periodontal disease to restore form and function to the gum tissue, periodontal ligament and the supporting bone. This procedure is designed not to cure periodontal disease, but to increase the life expectancy of your teeth and their usefulness. Through removing the diseased tissue and reconstructing the gums, periodontal plastic surgery will recreate normal appearance and function of your gums.

Other Treatments

Surgery might be necessary in severe cases when periodontal disease has affected the bones and tooth loss might be inevitable. However, there are more conservative measures that your dentist can suggest before approaching a surgical solution:

Behavioral change

this can include better oral hygiene and various lifestyle changes, e.g. quitting smoking.

Tartar removal

professional tartar removal should become part of your oral hygiene routine. This is a simple and usually painless procedure, performed by your dentist in his office.

Bite therapy

Periodontal disease can sometimes be related to various bite disorders. After you are diagnosed and treated for periodontal disease, your dentist might also suggest treating the bite disorder to prevent future problems.

Surgical therapy

If you suffer from a severe case of periodontal disease, your dentist can suggest other surgical procedures to replace missing teeth and regenerate the soft and hard tissues. The aim is to get rid of the pockets between the gum and tooth so they can reattach and function normally once again.

Prevention of Gum Disease

In the case of periodontal disease, prevention is the best treatment. By maintaining oral health, routine removal of plaque and bacteria, as well as proper cleaning, brushing and flossing you can avoid ever having to deal with this bothersome disease. If after all you develop periodontal disease, don’t worry. There have been many advances in this field of dentistry and a skilled periodontal plastic surgeon is able to restore your mouth into the function and appearance before the disease.